The JENIOUS Group (Juniors in Educational Networking and International Research Opportunities: United Sessions Group) is an ISPAD Special Interest Group open to all young early-career ISPAD members, regardless of their profession.
Joining the JENIOUS Group offers young ISPAD members a valuable opportunity to enhance their professional skills, contribute to meaningful research, and be part of a supportive and dynamic community dedicated to improving diabetes care for young people. Join the 270 members who have already joined the group.
The ISPAD-JENIOUS membership eligibility promotes diversity, equity, and inclusivity in our growing JENIOUS ISPAD diabetes research community. According to the newly updated eligibility criteria, all ISPAD members aged under 40 and/or within seven years after the last degree or scientific promotion (Doctorate/Ph.D./Habilitation) can be JENIOUS members.
Our motto and activities are represented in the JENIOUS triangle.
Our vision is to create a unique, innovative platform to connect young healthcare professionals dealing with diabetes and a community of young ISPAD Members to promote and develop dedicated programs for them.
The JENIOUS leadership consists of a team of three active JENIOUS members.
Once a year, JENIOUS Election are run when we select the next leader for a three-year term.
Our current JENIOUS leaders:
Past JENIOUS Leaders are Klemen Dovc (2016-2020), Elisa Giani (2016-2021),Tiago Jeronimo (2020-2022),and Agata Chobot (2021-2023).
You are warmly invite you to apply for this position if you fulfil the following conditions:
The new elected leader will serve for a two-year period beginning in 2025. Submit your candidacy by November 3rd, 2024 (12 CET) by scanning the QR code and completing the form and send your CV at [email protected].
The JENIOUS Ambassadors help JENIOUS Leaders encourage young people to join ISPAD, participate in new research projects and help spread ISPAD communication and social-media activities. The 2024 JENIOUS Ambassadors are:
The JENIOUS SIG is always open for new projects.
JENIOUS SICK-A1D-Survey - Survey on SICK DAYS management in children and adolescents with T1D
This project is directed at pediatric diabetologists/HCPs who care for children and adolescents with T1D using AID systems during sick days. To share your experience, fill out this survey or scan this QR code.
Healthcare professionals' perception on implementing routine mental health screening into paediatric diabetes care
This project aims to determine the perceptions of healthcare professionals's regarding the health care team's role in screening psychological concerns and barriers and facilitators to implemeting psycosocial screning in practice. If you are a healthcare professional currently providing care to patients with diabetes aged<18 years (in any country worldwide), we invite you to participate in an online survey, which will take around 15 minutes to complete. Please use this link or scan this QR code!
JENIOUS PREMET1D project- CParents'perRspectives on disEase-Modifying thErapy in T1D
This JENIOUS group project developed in collaboration with #dedoc° and INNODIA aiming to investigate the perspectives of parents/caregivers of children and youth with T1D regarding the use of new disease-modifying drugs. We warmly encourage all healthcare professional providing care to patients with diabetes to invite parents or caregivers of children and adolescents with diabetes receiving related care at your setting, who are able to converse in English, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, Portuguese, Hindi, Indonesian,Turkish, Montenegrin, Polish languages to participate in an online survey, which will take around 15 minutes to complete. The deadline is September 30, 2024.
Slovak QR code and link.
Hindi QR code and link.
Bahasa Indonesia QR code and link.
Montenegrin QR code and link.
Turkish QR code and link.
Portuguese QR code and link.
Polish QR code and link.
JENIOUS CARET1D study: CAre of young REfugees with T1D survey for healthcare professionals
This JENIOUS group project aims to understand better the current care and outcomes of refugee children, adolescents, and young adults under 24 years old with T1D.
Less than 10 minutes of your time to fill in the survey can help shed light on pediatric T1D in refugees and health services provided to them. Contribute as well as spread the word among your colleagues. Inform about the project if you know physicians involved in caring for refugee children, adolescents, and young adults!
Together with Children with Diabetes, the JENIOUS group maintain a partnership to promote research projects from members under a competition for the best JENIOUS-CwD Research Project!
For the fourth year, we are glad to announce the call for the best JENIOUS and Children with Diabetes project! Submitted JENIOUS project proposals will run for the “JENIOUS-CwD” Award. The project should be focused on care today, expecting a cure tomorrow. Please check for more information here and submit your proposal using this template to [email protected] by 17th July 2024.
Read more about this parternship here and stay tuned to discover more about the new JENIOUS-CwD Research Projects!
Previous JENIOUS - CwD Awardees
2023: Valentina Mancioppi, Italy
2022: Laura Cudizio, Brazil
2021: Arkadiusz Michalak, Poland