Prize for Innovation in Pediatric Diabetes Care

The ISPAD Prize is for any professional, group, or individual who has made a significant innovation in pediatric diabetes care.

This prize focuses on diabetes in childhood by recognizing innovations to improve health and quality of care for children and young people

The ISPAD Prize for Innovation in Pediatric Diabetes Care is kindly supported by ISPAD.


The prize winner will be invited to attend ISPAD’s Annual Conference to officially receive the award at ISPAD’s Networking & Recognition Evening. ISPAD will cover registration, Economy travel, and accommodation.

How to nominate a candidate for this prize?

Nominations for this category can be submitted by ISPAD members. A person can be nominated only by a third party. No self-nominations will be accepted.

The nominator should provide all documents below (in English):

  1. A letter from the person/institution issuing the nomination specifying the reason for the nomination. The letter should highlight the innovation and describe how different it is from what has been established, its impact on care and change of the current practice, its significance for diabetes care, and how significant or needed this innovation is.
  2. The complete CV of the candidate.

Please submit your Nomination or Application for Prizes before the April 30, 2025 deadline. 

Send all the documents mentioned above to [email protected]

Eligibility criteria

  • Current ISPAD member and ISPAD membership (individual or the organization’s members) for at least 50% of the last 2 years or professional relation between ISPAD and the organization
  • All professions
  • Candidates can be from any country
  • There are no age restrictions

Previous winners

2024: Michael Witsch, Germany

2023: ISPAE Diabetes Education And Learning (IDEAL), India

2022: Action4Diabetes - Charles Toomey and Jerry Gore

2021: Osagie Ebekozien, USA 

2020: Henk J. Aanstoot and Henk Veeze, Netherlands

2019: Peter Goss, Australia

2018: Bruce Buckingham, USA

2017: Peter Adolfsson, Sweden

2016: SWEET Consortium, international

2015: Roman Hovorka, UK

2014: Henrik Mortensen, Denmark

2013: Reinhard Holl, Germany

2012: Center for Rare Forms of Diabetes EXETER, UK

2011: Nicholas Woolfield, Australia

2010: Manuel Vera Gonzalez, Cuba