FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant

Explore the distinguished FID-ISPAD Research Grant.

The FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant is for 25,000 EUR.

About the FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant

This grant is for ISPAD members, preferentially below the age of 40. The scope of the research grant is related to the identification of a cure for type 1 diabetes, meaning a procedure or therapy that can ensure the normalization and maintenance over time of a normal glucose balance in the absence of external insulin administration. This category includes projects on pathogenesis, prediction, prevention, beta-cell replacement, organ and cell transplantation, tissue regeneration and stem cells, gene therapy.

Explicitly excluded from funding is research on insulin, drugs, glucose sensor technologies, or insulin infusers, which pertain to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Also excluded is research related to complications of diabetes and research related to type 2 diabetes or forms of diabetes other than type 1 diabetes.

FID-ISPAD Research Grant program is only open to applicants from non-profit institutions or groups of such institutions.

All applications will be considered by the Scientific Review Committee, FID and ISPAD in strict confidentiality

How to apply for the FID-ISPAD research grant

The documents required to apply for the FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant are as follows:

  1. Applicant’s CV
  2. Proof of ISPAD membership
  3. The application procedure includes the completion of a form structured in 6 paragraphs: title, background/rationale, objectives, study design, anticipated outcome, relevance to the cure of type1 diabetes; for a maximum length of 500 words in type no smaller than 12 points Arial with single line spacing.
  4. Approval letter from the institution to which it belongs, which must declare its willingness to accept the funding and use it exclusively for the project being funded, define the so-called 'overhead' (i.e., the percentage retained by the institution, which must not exceed 10%) and ensure access to funding by the recipient.

Send the completed application form including the above documents as one complete PDF to [email protected] and [email protected].

FID-ISPAD Recipients and Reports

Constantia Gysemans

Awarded the FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant for 2023

Ki Wook Kim

Awarded the FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant for 2021

Sivaraj Mohana Sundaram

Awarded the FID-ISPAD Diabetes Research Grant for 2023