List of host centers

Allan Drash Fellowship applicants are not allowed to contact host centers until the fellowship has been officially awarded.

Pediatric Diabetes Center at University Hospital - Children Hospital, Toulouse - France

  • Name of Center:     Enfance, adolescence et Diabète/ Paediatric Diabetology Service, Children's Hospital, Toulouse University Hospital
  • Language spoken at Center:    French
  • Special Expertise:    Same Diabetes Multidisciplinary Care Team in two separate, complementary structures:

 1- Paediatric Diabetology Service, Children's Hospital, Toulouse University Hospital: Hospital Practitioner : medical follow-up for 1,100 diabetic   children and adolescents (consultations, hospitalisations): diagnosis, educational follow-up, insulin pump reference centre, installation of HCL   systems (Medtronic, Tandem CIQ, CamAPS, Omnipod 5)….

 2- Association Enfance, Adolescence et Diabete (Toulouse): Education and Research in the first "child and adolescent diabetes House" in France:  outpatient education (journeys, camps….) for patients followed in Children’s hospital: education days by age, theme and audience: sport, diet, HCL   system, transition, education for parents, grandparents, training for schools and healthcare professionals outside hospital....

  • Address:     Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Diabetology Unit University Hospital - Children Hospital // Avenue de Grande Bretagne- TSA70034 // 31059 Toulouse // France

 Childhood, Adolescence and Diabetes Association
 109 avenue des arènes romaines
 31300 Toulouse

We hereby confirm our center fulfills the following criteria:        

Our center has at least one ISPAD Member

Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

John Hunter Children's Hospital, Newcastle - Autralia

John Hunter Children's Hospital

Professor Bruce King

Intensive insulin management regimes. Dietary influences on glycemia. Disordered eating. Coeliac disease. Team focused management.

Language Spoken at Center: -

 Department of Paediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology,
                John Hunter CHildren's Hospital,
                Locked Bag Number 1
                Hunter Regional Mail Center,
                Newcastle NSW 2310

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Montreal Children's Hospital, Canada

Julia von Oettingen 

Type 1 diabetes in resource limited settings; Genetics of type 1 diabetes; Artificial pancreas systems 

Languages Spoken at Center: -

  1001 Boulevard Decarie,

                 Montreal, QC, H4A 3J1,


  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professional.

Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto, Canada

Hospital for Sick Children

Farid Mahmud 

Diabetes Research 

Language Spoken at Center: -

555 University Avenue,
                 Toronto, CANADA,
                 M5G 1X8 

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professional.

Hong Kong Children's Hospital, Hong Kong - China

Contact Person:  Dr Joanna Yuet-ling TUNG 
Name of Center: Hong Kong Children's Hospital 
Language spoken at Center: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin), English 
Special Expertise: Multidisciplinary care, telemedicine; CGMS used in >80% patients 
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 9/F, Tower B, Hong Kong Children's Hospital,
1 Shing Cheong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR 

We hereby confirm our center fulfills the following criteria: 
Our center has at least one ISPAD Member
Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist 

Medilink Diabetes Hospital, Ahmedabad - India

 Medilink diabetes hospital


 Dr. Manish Agarwal




Language Spoken at Center: -


  Shayam char raste on 132 feet,

                Ring road, satellite, Ahmedabad,

                Gujarat, India

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Saxena Diabetes Care Centre, Ajmer - India

 Ranjish Saxen

  Saxena Diabetes Care Centre


Language Spoken at Center: -

Saxena Diabetes Care Centre,

                 Bhajan Ganj, Dhan Nadi Road,

                 Ajmer (Rajkasthan), India

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Dia-care, Gujarat - India


Dr. Banshi saboo 

Paeditric diabetes education

1 & 2, Gandhi Park, Near Nehrunagar Road,

                 Opp, BRTS, L Colony, Ambawadi,

                 Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015, India

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialties Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai - India

Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialties Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation

Dr. V. Mohan

Diabetology, Epidemiology, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Education, Diabetes Complications

Language Spoken at Center: -

Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialties Centre & Madras Diabetes Research Foundation,
                 N° 4 Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram
                 600086 Chennai (Tamilnadu), India

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Endocrinology and Diabetes Unit, Department of Pediatrics, PGIMER, Chandigarh - India

Endocrinology and Diabetes Unit, Department of Pediatrics, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

Devi Dayal

Diabetes Education

Language Spoken at Center: English

  3108, Level III, Block A, Advanced Pediatrics Center,

                 PGIMER, Sector 12, Chandigarh-160012,


  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Regional Center of Pediatric Diabetes, Federico II University of Naples, Naples - Italy

Regional Center of Pediatric Diabetes, Federico II University of Naples, Italy 
italian and english 
pediatric diabetes: type 1, type2 and genetic forms, obesity, genetic and syndromic obesity, secondary diabetes, monogenic diabetes, hypoglycemia 
Building 11 A, Department of Pediatrics, Regional Center of Pediatric Diabetes, Federico II University of Naples, via Sergio Pansini N.5, 81030, Naples, Italy 
Our center has at least one ISPAD Member
Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist 

Azienda Ospedaliera di Cremona, Cremona - Italy

Azienda Ospedaliera di Cremona

Andrea Scaramuzza

Micro- and macroangiopathic complications of diabetes, insulin pump therapy and other technological helps for children with diabetes, exercise, and nutrition

Language Spoken at Center: -

  Azienda Ospedaliera di Cremona, Head Pediatric Diabetes, Endocrinology & Nutrition Unit,

                Viale Trento e Trieste,

                15, 26100 Cremona CR, Italy

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

SOD of Pediatric Diabetology, Ancona - Italy

SOD of Pediatric Diabetology

Valentino Cherubini

Epidemiology, Technology, Health-related quality of life

Language Spoken at Center: -

Address  AOU OORR Ancona, "G. Salesi" Hospital
              Via Corridoni, 10
               60035 Ancona, Italy

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Alessandro Salvatoni, Varese - Italy

Alessandro Salvatoni

Prof. Alessandro Salvatoni

Enterovirus infection at T1D

Language Spoken at Center: -

Via Filippo del Ponte, 19

                 21100 Varese,


  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.


Click here to view past events and photos »

DECCP, Luxembourg - Luxembourg


Michael Witsch 

Registries, Diabetes technology, Team approach, Diabetes camp

Language Spoken at Center: French (basic requirement), English, German

 4, rue E Barble,

               1210, Luxembourg GD de Luxembourg

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.
  • A virtual exchange with the candidate is requested before any official hosting confirmation

Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic,B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Ghopa, Daran - Nepal

Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences

Arun Kumar Singh

DM Type 1

Language Spoken at Center: Nepali, English

  B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences,

                 Dharan, Nepal

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Oslo University Hospital, Oslo Diabetes Centre, Oslo - Norway

Lars Krogvold 

Clinical diabetes: insulin pumps, CGMs, diabetes team

                                 Diabetes reasearch: RCTs, stimulation tests, diabetes registry

Language Spoken at Center: -

Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo, Norway (Street address)

Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Ullevål sykehus, Postboks 4956 Nydalen, 0424 Oslo, Norway (Post address)

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professional

Department of Pediatrics, University Clinical Hospital in Opole, University of Opole, Poland

  • Contact Person: Agata Chobot
  • Comment: the center is led b a pediatrician with expertise in pediatric diabetes; there is additinally other physicians: a pediatric diabetologist and 2 ped enos working in the team
  • We hereby confirm our center fulfills the following criteria:

Our center has at least one ISPAD Member

Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes

Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist


University Medical Center Ljubljana - University Children's Hospital, Ljubljana - Slovenia

Tadej Battelino

Diabetes technology, Diabetes genetics/genomic, Diabetes interventions/prevention

Language Spoken at Center: -

University Children's Hospital Dept. of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases,

                 Bohoriceva 20, 1000,

                 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

The hospital of Halland Kungsbacka, Kungsbacka - Sweden

Peter Adolfsson

Technology, Exercise, Virtual meetings

Language Spoken at Center: -

Pediatric departement, The hospital of Halland, Kungsbacka
                 43480 Kungsbacka,

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Ege University Faculty of Medicine Bornova, Izmir - Türkiye

Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Damla Gökşen

Diabetes technologies, Diabetes treatment and monogenic diabetes

Language Spoken at Center: English- Turkish

  Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes,

                 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

The Royal London Children's Hospital, London - UK

Ruben Willemsen 
The Royal London Children's Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK 
Experience in managing a multi-ethnic and deprived urban city diabetes population, diabetes technology, type 2 diabetes 
Whitechapel Road
E1 1FR London
United Kingdom 
Our center has at least one ISPAD Member
Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist 

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge - UK

Dr Loredana Marcovecchio 
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 
Diabetes technologies; Screening and management of youth-onset complications 
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB20QQ, Cambridege, UK 
Our center has at least one ISPAD Member
Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist 

Barbara Davis Center, Aurora - USA

G. Todd Alonso 

Diabetes technology, Quality improvement 

Language Spoken at Center: -

1775 Aurora Ct # A140, Aurora,

                 CO 80045, United States

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professional.

Indiana University, Indianapolis - USA

Indiana University

Linda DiMeglio

T1D prevention, beta cell preservation, and use of technology/new therapeutics

Language Spoken at Center: -

  Rm 5960; 705 Riley Hospital Drive,

                 Indianapolis, IN 46202-5225,

                 United States

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Boston Children's Hospital*, Boston - USA

Boston Children's Hospital Diabetes Program

Katharine Garvey

Type 1 Diabetes

Language Spoken at Center: -

  333 Longwood Ave, Boston,

                 MA 02115, United States

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia - USA

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Brynn Marks

Type 1 diabetes, Diabetes technology, Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes

Language Spoken at Center: -

  3501 Civic Center Boulevard,
                 Philadelphia, PA,
                 United States of America,19104

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh - USA

Ingrid Libman

Management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in youth

Language Spoken at Center: -

UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh One Children's Hospital,

                Drive 4401 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh,

                PA 15224, USA

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Pediatric Diabetes Center at Hassenfeld Children’sHospital, New York - USA

Mary Pat Gallagher 
Pediatric Diabetes Center at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital 
Integration of behavioral health, technology use 
135 East 31st Street
2nd floor
New York Langone 
Our center has at least one ISPAD Member
Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes
Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals
Our center is led by a pediatric endocrinologist

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - USA

University of Minnesota

Antoinette Moran

Diabetes, Diabetes in Africa, T1D Prevention, Endocrine Disorders, Islet cell transplant

Language Spoken at Center: -

  2450 Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
                United States, 55454

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Stanford Diabetes Research Center*, Stanford - USA

Stanford Diabetes Research Center

Priya Prahalad

Compications in people with T1D

Language Spoken at Center: -

  Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford University,

                 School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Room G-313,

                 Stanford, CA 94305, United States

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

University of California, San Francisco - USA

Leyla Ekhlaspour

Language Spoken at Center: English

  1500 Owens Street, Suite 300,

                 San Francisco, CA 94158, United States

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals

Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital*, Cleveland - USA

Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital

Jamie Wood

Diabetes in Children, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism

Language Spoken at Center: -

 Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital,

                11100 Euclid Ave,

                Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

  • Our center has at least one ISPAD Member.
  • Our center cares for at least 100 youth with diabetes.
  • Our center has a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals.

*These centers have currently reached the number of fellows.