ISPAD -VAPES Postgraduate Courses and Conferences
5th ISPAD-VAPES Postgraduate Course and Conference
April 11-13, 2019, Albena, Varna, Bulgaria
The Vth ISPAD/VAPES Postgraduate Course and Conference “DIABETES AND RARE DISEASES” took place on April 11-13, 2019, in Varna, Bulgaria.
Fifth ISPAD/VAPES Course evaluation from participants
After the success of the IVth ISPAD/VAPES Course and the supported from its surplus training course for devoted to psychologists from the whole country in diabetes care in Oct, 2017 we were more than convinced that we have to continue our educational activity.
The Vth (jubilee) ISPAD/VAPES Course “DIABETES AND RARE DISEASES” added to the high standards of the previous four events. The Program (see below) was concentrated to diabetes, rare forms of diabetes and with special focus on rare diseases. The speakers were 18 (4 Bulgarian), most of whom ISPAD and/or ESPE members. They were renowned experts in the field of childhood diabetes and innovative approaches to its control (as Tadej Batellino), rare forms of diabetes (M. Johnson) and diabetes control/school care (Gun Forsander). A further emphasis was put on rare diseases, especially on rare imprinting syndromes (I. Netchine), non-diabetic hypoglycemia (P. Thornton, S. Senniappan), growth deviations (Feyza Darendeliler, Raoul Rooman), CAH (A. Nordenstrom), premature ovarian failure (Noah Gruber), etc.

As a whole, we had 150 registered participants (doctors – pediatric endocrinology fellows, specialists, one internist and four pediatricians, nurses from all university pediatric endocrine units in the country, last year medical students with interest in Pediatric Endocrinology). A total of four scientific sessions, one oral presentations session, one poster presentations session, seven very high quality pharma symposia formed the scientific Program. Participants from Serbia, Ukraine and Turkey evaluated highly the educational event. This year the traditional Romanian participation was interrupted by a simultaneous event in Timisoara for which we are truly sorry. The lay public lecture of Prof. Irene Netchine about Silver-Russell syndrome contemporary standards of care attracted families from the whole country, who as a result formed a patient support group.

There is a short video in English shot by our University TV (MuVi TV). Also, extensive information was published in Bulgarian.
We continued with the anonymous evaluation of the content, presentation of scientific lectures, and also of the organization and overall value/impact of the event. The overall evaluation was excellent (over four of five possible points). Recommendations about new topics in the future were received. Participants received a certificate.

A total of 62% of participants gave full feedback. We are very glad that the mean score of all sessions was excellent or very good. The sessions were rated as follows:
This time we asked the participants to evaluate also the pharma symposia and oral/poster sessions. The pharma symposia were mostly thematic, not advertising (e.g. diagnosis of GH deficiency in a busy academic practice; remote pump users’ surveillance, growth hormone deficiency referral guidelines, etc.), and we were not surprised of the equally high evaluation that they got in comparison with scientific sessions. We received recommendations next time to organize poster tour, not just presence at the poster during the coffee break as was the current possibility.

The possibility to freely interact with speakers, the overall impact and logistics of the meeting were rated by participants as “excellent”. The weather was very unpleasant which we thought will decrease the value of the venue but it was not the case. Over 94% of the participants will recommend the next event to colleagues.
The accommodation and feeding costs for the participants were fully waived due to attracting very good local support. Varna Medical University and the University Hospital “Sv. Marina” supported also the Course. The meeting has a surplus that will directly be used for VAPES fee for SWEET participation in the next 2 years (increased from this year by decision of the general assembly) and for the support of young researchers for participation in international meetings and with small research grants. We are sure that this is important for the future improvement of care for children and adolescents with diabetes and rare endocrine diseases in Bulgaria and the surrounding countries. We would very much like to have further and more active support to attract more foreign participation in the future event (the VIth ISPAD/VAPES Course in Varna).

Great thanks to ISPAD for the continuous support throughout the years!
With best regards,
Violeta Iotova
Director of the Vth Varna Course
4th ISPAD-VAPES Postgraduate Course and Conference
The IVth ISPAD/VAPES Postgraduate Course and Conference “CHANGING DIABETES” took place on April 20-22, 2017, in Varna, Bulgaria.
After the success of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ISPAD Postgraduate Courses (2011, 2013 & 2015), this course attracted 122 participants!