Older ISPAD Conferences

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Boston, United States 2019

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ISPAD 2018 | 44th Annual Conference - Hyderabad, India

Dates: October 11 - 14, 2018

Local Convener: Dr. Anju Virmani, Associate Director, Pediatric Endocrinology, Max, Pentamed & Sunderlal Jain Hospitals, Delhi and Dr. Banshi Saboo, Chairman & Chief Diabetologist, Dia Care - Diabetes Care & Hormone Clinic, Ahmedabad, India

  • Download and read the 2018 Conference highlights
    • Authors: Priya Prahalad; Nilanjana Ray, Jenise C Wong, Cari Berget, Anna Lindholm Olinder, Jayanti J Rangasami, Bruce R King, Asma Deeb, Juliana Chizo Agwu
  • Download and read the:
  1. 2018 e-Poster
  2. 2018 Index of Authors
  3. 2018 Invited Abstracts
  4. 2018 Oral Sessions

ISPAD 2017 | 43rd Annual Conference - Innsbruck, Austria

Dates: October 18 - 21, 2017

Local Convener: Assoz. Prof. PD OÄ Dr. Sabine Hofer, Medical University of Innsbruck, Department of Pediatrics.

  1. 2017 e-Poster

  2. 2017 Index of Authors

  3. 2017 Invited Abstracts

  4. 2017 Oral Sessions

ISPAD 2016 | 42nd Annual Conference - Valencia, Spain

Dates: October 26 - 29, 2016
Local Convener: Dr. Luis Castaño, Director Científico de  BioCruces, Gurutzetako Unibertsitate Ospitalea, Hospital Universitario Cruces

  1. 2016 Authors Index
  2. 2016 Invited Abstracts
  3. 2016 Poster Tours
  4. 2016 Oral Sessions

ISPAD 2015 + APEG | 41st Annual Conference - Brisbane, Australia

Joint Annual Conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes and Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group 

Dates: October 7 - 10, 2015

Local Conveners: Dr. Jerry Wales, Director of Endocrinology & Diabetes, Lady Cilento Children's Hospital, Brisbane and Dr Andrew Cotterill,Paediatric Endocrinology Department, Queensland.

  1. 2015 Authors Index

  2. 2015 Invited Speakers Sessions

  3. 2015 Oral Abstract Sessions

  4. 2015 Poster Sessions

ISPAD 2014 | 40th Anniversary Conference - Toronto, Canada

Dates: September 3 - 6, 2014
Local Conveners: Dr. Denis Daneman, Paediatrician-in-Chief, SickKids Hospital  and Dr.  Jill Hamilton, Physician Endocrinologist, SickKids Hospital

  1. 2014 Index of Authors
  2. 2014 Invited Speakers
  3. 2014 Oral Presentations
  4. 2014 Poster Sessions

ISPAD 2013 | 39th Annual Conference - Gothenburg, Sweden

Dates: October 16 - 19, 2013
Local Conveners: Dr. Gun Forsander, Department of Pediatrics at Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Gothenburg and Dr. Ragnar Hanas, Dept. of Pediatrics, Uddevalla Hospital

  1. 2013 Index of Authors

  2. 2013 Invited Speakers

  3. 2013 Oral Session

  4. 2013 Poster Session





ISPAD 2012 | 38th Annual Conference - Istanbul, Turkey

Dates: October 10 - 13, 2012
Local Conveners: Damla Göksen and Sükran Darcan, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology

Downlaod and read the:

  1. 2012 Index of Authors
  2. 2012 Invited Speakers
  3. 2012 Oral Session
  4. 2012 Poster Session 1
  5. 2012 Poster Session 2


ISPAD 2011 | 37th Annual Conference - Miami, United States

Dates: October 19 - 22, 2011
Local Convener: Alan Delamater, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine | UM · Mailman Center for Child Development

  1. 2011 Index of Authors

  2. 2011 Invited Speakers

  3. 2011 Oral Session 1

  4. 2011 Oral Session 2

  5. 2011 Poster Session

ISPAD 2010 | 36th Annual Conference - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dates: October 27 - 30, 2010
Local Convener: Olga Ramos, Directora de la carrera de Médico Especialista en Nutrición Pediátrica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires


  1. 2010 Index of Authors
  2. 2010 Invited Speakers
  3. 2010 Oral Session
  4. 2010 Poster Session


ISPAD 2009 | 35th Annual Conference - Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dates: September 2 - 5, 2009
Local Convener: Tadej Battelino, University of Ljubljana · Faculty of Medicine, Chair of Pediatrics

  1. 2009 Index of Authors

  2. 2009 Invited Speakers

  3. 2009 Oral Session

  4. 2009 Poster Session

ISPAD 2008 | 34th Annual Conference - Durban, South Africa

Dates: August 13 - 16, 2008
Local Convener: Dr Kuben Pillay, paediatric endocrinologist at Westville and Albert Luthui Hospitals, Durban

  1. 2008 Index of Authors

  2. 2008 Invited Speakers

  3. 2008 Oral Session

  4. 2008 Poster Session 1

  5. 2008 Poster Session 2

ISPAD 2007 | 33rd Annual Conference - Berlin, Germany

Dates: September 26 - 29, 2007
Local Convener: Prof. Dr. Olga Kordonouri, Chefärztin Diabetologie, Endokrinologie und Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Auf Der Bult Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus, Hannover

  1. 2007 Index of Authors

  2. 2007 Invited Speakers

  3. 2007 Oral Session

  4. 2007 Poster Session 1

  5. 2007 Poster Session 2

  6. 2007 Poster Session 3

ISPAD 2006 | 32nd Annual Conference - Cambridge, United Kingdom

Dates: September 6 - 10, 2006
Local Convener: Dr. Peter Swift, University Hospitals Of Leicester, Department of Child Heath

  • Download and read:
  1. 2006 Index of Authors
  2. 2006 Invited Speakers
  3. 2006 Oral Session
  4. 2006 Poster Session 1
  5. 2006 Poster Session 2
  6. 2006 Poster Session 3