Since 2008, SWEET is improving secondary prevention, diagnosis and control of Type 1 and 2 diabetes in children and adolescents and supporting the development of centers of reference (CORs) for pediatric and adolescent diabetes services across the EU.

With 125 center members, a solid database and patient management software, a revised Peer Review Program, and 2 meetings per year (SWEET annual meeting, meeting at ISPAD), SWEET's scope has expanded beyond the EU to a worldwide project.

In 2016 ISPAD acknowledged SWEET's work with the ISPAD Prize for Innovation.


Click on the articles below to find out more about SWEET's activities:

Annual SWEET meeting, April 2019: Key take aways

SWEET for rare forms of diabetes

SWEET e.V. - 10th Anniversary Meeting - April 11-12, 2018 (Florence, Italy)

Interview with Professor Thomas Danne