Action4Diabetes (A4D)

A partnership focused on supporting young people with T1D in South-East Asia.

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We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between ISPAD and Action4Diabetes (A4D).

Action4Diabetes (A4D) is a UK-registered charity that gives health and hope to disadvantaged young people with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in Southeast Asia by ensuring free access to life-saving medical supplies, healthcare services, and continual education.

Our partnership will focus on supporting young people with T1D in Southeast Asia. This region faces unique challenges in managing diabetes, including limited access to care and education. A4D works to close this gap with innovative solutions such as Hello Type 1, their online education platform in local languages. By combining ISPAD's expertise in pediatric diabetes with A4D's experience in implementing innovative solutions, we hope to create sustainable change and improve the health outcomes of young people with T1D in this region.

We are grateful for the opportunity to join forces and make a positive difference in the lives of young people living with T1D in South-East Asia. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and impact!

Discover more about A4D, its mission, and its values here.