ISPAD Committee Chairs
- Up to 2 years
- Must be on committee for at least a year, and ideally have a year of chair-in training
- Must be an elected Advisory Council member, unless a Co-Chair exists that is an
- elected AC member
- May be physician, nurse, allied health or patient advocate
- Keep Manual of Operations (MOP) for committee work up to date and transfer on to incoming Chair
ISPAD Committee Volunteers
- Up to 3 years, at the discretion of the committee which will review volunteer members annually
- Fully paid ISPAD member with active membership throughout the term
- Ability to attend quarterly virtual committee meetings
- Willingness to contribute to ongoing efforts of the committee
- Physician, Allied Health Professional, or Patient Advocate
- Not on the Executive board of the advisory council
- Limit of 4-6 volunteers per committee
Advisory Council Members Expectations
- Attend 75% of EB/AC quarterly zoom conference calls
- Attend both in person meetings at ISPAD Annual Conference (full day prior to start of conference) and Winter Meeting prior to the ATTD Annual conference
- Serve on 2-3 ISPAD Committees
- Chair at least one ISPAD Committee
- Participate in other committees as needed (abstract review, fellowship application and prize applications as necessary)
Guests at President's Dinner
- EB/AC/JENIOUS Leadership
- ISPAD Historian
- Congress Convener(s) for current year and subsequent year
- Past 5 Presidents
- ISPAD CPCG Editor if year of publication?
- Pediatric Diabetes Editor
- Conveners of SSHP
- Convener(s) of SS held that year
- Special guests at discretion of President
Guests at Networking/Recognition Evening
- EB/AC/JENIOUS Leadership
- Prize winners
- Outgoing EB members (given at AGM) – statue
- Local Congress convener(s) – personalized gift
- ISPAD flag transfer at AGM
Patient Advocate Criteria for ISPAD Membership
- Patient advocates are full ISPAD members
- If individual is a physician, nurse or HCP they should be encouraged to apply under the appropriate membership category
- Developed, led or considerably involved with a patient advocacy organization
- Social media presence with followers
- A person with diabetes that is not involved with advocacy cannot apply for membership